Secure Upload
Secure Upload
If you would like to upload information to our office securely, please use the secure data upload form. The more student specific information you can provide us (i.e., student name, student ID, aid year, etc.) the quicker we can add the information to your file. You can track the progress of your documents in the myUCCS Portal to-do list. Allow 1 to 2 business days for your document status to be updated to “received”.
Files with the .exe extension cannot be attached. If a file is uploaded with unknown extension, it will be uploaded as an image. If the file does not have an extension, it is stored using the default file format configured for the Document Type it is being stored as.In an iOS environment, only image files or videos can be attached. The attachment control is not supported in iOS versions prior to iOS 6.This feature is not supported on devices using Android OS 4.4, 4.4.1, or 4.4.2.
Please do not email sensitive information such as tax returns listing social security numbers or other personally identifiable information. You should always redact social security numbers, but always list the UCCS student ID number and student name on all documents submitted.