Student Information
Student Information
New Students
UCCS stands behind new students who would benefit from financial assistance. Learn more about financial aid at UCCS here.
Current Students
UCCS stands behind current students who would benefit from financial assistance. Learn more about financial aid here.
Graduate Students
UCCS offers a variety of federal, state, instiutional and private financial aid programs to assist students who would benefit from post-graduate education but need financial assistance. Such students are encouraged to apply for aid.
Summer Students
Interested in summer financial aid? All you need to do is enroll in summer classes to be considered for UCCS Summer financial aid.
UCCS has many financial aid options for DACA/ASSETS students. If you are a DACA/ASSET student in need of financial assistance, continue to this page.
Education Abroad Students
The Office of International Affairs offers a variety of faculty-led exchange, direct enrollment, and affiliate education abroad programs each semester.
International Students
Federal and/or state financial aid is not available for international students; however, there are some other resources that may be helpful.
Military Students
There are many different means of assistance available to military students: veterans benefits, scholarships, active-duty tuition grant, tuition classification options, and more are available at UCCS.
Online Students
As a UCCS student, you have the opportunity to enroll in Extended Studies courses that may offer you more flexible means to obtaining your education, such as on-line courses.