Satisfactory Academic Progress
Effective Fall 2023Overview
Students applying for and those receiving Federal, State and UCCS financial aid from are required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward their degree. Maintaining SAP requires that students meet completion rate, maximum fundable credit hours, and minimum grade point average requirements. The chart below outlines the minimum SAP requirements:
Minimum Requirements for UCCS Students |
Academic Career | Grade Point Average (GPA) | Completion Rate |
Undergraduate | 2.0 | 67% |
Graduate | 3.0 | 67% |
The complete SAP policy is detailed below:
The Higher Education Act of 1965 (amended by Congress) mandates that institutions of higher education establish minimum standards of satisfactory academic progress toward a student's degree for financial aid applicants whether or not they have previously received aid. Therefore, in order to receive any grant,[federal] loan, or work assistance under this HEA of 1965 the student must meet the University's SAP policy.
Students who do not meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements are ineligible for financial aid including loans (however may be eligible for alternative/private loans), unless they appeal and are approved by the Financial Aid SAP Committee.
Qualitative Standards
Grade Point Average (GPA)
The Financial Aid Office will use the cumulative University of Colorado System GPA for all students regardless of whether or not the student has used financial aid previously.
Qualitative analysis will be performed at the conclusion of fall, spring and summer terms.
Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum of 2.0 cumulative GPA in the CU system. Numbers are not rounded.
Graduate students must maintain a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average in the CU system. Numbers are not rounded.
Quantitative Standards - Completion
Attempted and Completed Credit Hours
Quantitative analysis will be performed at the conclusion of fall, spring and summer terms.
NOTE: Credits hours attempted at UCCS are defined as the credits hours a student is enrolled in on the day following the census date (as published in each terms class schedule).
Withdrawals after the census date, repeated courses, failures, and incomplete courses all count as attempted credit hours.
All transfer credit hours are included with credit hours attempted in the CU system as the total attempted credit hours. Transfer credit hours (from schools other than the CU system) affect the cumulative completion percentage requirement and affect maximum credit hours.
All students must complete a minimum of 67% of all credit hours attempted in the CU system. Numbers are not rounded.
Quantitative Standards - Maximum Timeframe
Undergraduate students may receive financial aid for a maximum of 150 percent of the minimum number of credit hours required to complete their current degree program.
A warning letter will be sent to the student when the student is within two semesters (24 credit hours) of this limit.
Undergraduate students may submit a SAP appeal to be considered for additional credit hours beyond 150%. Numbers are not rounded.
Graduate students may receive financial aid for a maximum of 200 percent of the minimum number of credit hours required to complete their current degree program.
A warning letter will be sent to the student when the student is within two semesters (12 credit hours) of this limit.
Graduate students may submit a SAP appeal to be considered for additional credit hours beyond 200%. Numbers are not rounded.
Warning Period
A student will be given a SAP warning period if they do not meet their SAP eligibility requirements for the first time. A student is eligible to receive financial aid during their warning period. If the student is still not meeting the SAP eligibility requirements at the end of the warning period, they will be ineligible for financial aid for their next semester. This SAP warning period will be for one semester only for GPA or completion rate issues.
In order to be considered for any further financial aid the student must fix their SAP eligibility requirements at their own expense or the student may appeal their ineligibility to the Financial Aid SAP Committee. If the appeal is approved, financial aid may be reinstated according to the approval conditions of the Committee, which will be outlined in Statement of Understanding that is sent via email to the student which they sign and return to reinstate eligibility.
Notification of loss of eligibility due to lack of meeting satisfactory academic progress:
A student who has lost eligibility to participate in student aid programs for reasons of academic progress will be notified at their UCCS email address of their ineligibility for financial aid until they are meeting or have successfully appealed their Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Please note: Students who have been academically suspended from the university but who are subsequently given permission to re-enroll are not automatically eligible to continue to participate in federal, state, or institutional aid programs. Admissions decisions are separate from funding decisions.
Students always have the right to appeal any decision regarding financial aid ineligibility. Students who are ineligible for financial aid due to failure to meet the SAP Policy may appeal such decisions to the Financial Aid SAP Committee.
Processing of an appeal will occur within two weeks of receiving your complete packet. It is the student's responsibility to submit all necessary documentation supporting the circumstances of the appeal.
Failure to supply all supporting documentation can seriously delay and/or affect the final appeal decision. Submitting this appeal is not a guarantee that eligibility will be reinstated.
Please type a personal statement on the SAP Appeal form. The personal statement must include an explanation of extenuating circumstances for each semester the student violated the SAP policy and proof of resolution to that circumstance or a detailed plan of action explaining what will ensure future academic success.
If this appeal is maximum attempted hours, please attach a copy of the degree audit to this appeal.
If the appeal is approved, the student will be emailed at their UCCS email address a Statement of Understanding which outlines the conditions the student must meet each semester they are enrolled to maintain financial aid eligibility until they are above the minimum requirements as listed above. The SAP Statement of Understanding must be signed by the student and returned to our office to re-instate eligibility. Please allow proper processing time.
For example, the student will need to complete 100% of their courses enrolled and achieve a minimum of a 2.5 GPA for each enrolled semester until they are meeting SAP standards.
If the SAP appeal is not approved by the Financial Aid SAP Committee the student will be emailed at their UCCS email address this decision along with an SAP Final Appeal Form, which may be submitted to the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Financial Aid. An appeal to the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Financial Aid will be the final decision and there is no recourse for further appeals.
If you do not have grounds for an appeal, or if your appeal is denied, you may still be able to regain your eligibility for future semesters. This is done by enrolling in courses at UCCS at your own expense until you are meeting SAP standards.
How to Appeal
If your financial aid eligibility has been suspended due to low GPA, completion rate and/or maximum timeframe, you may request reinstatement by submitting the following form and any supporting documentation to the UCCS Financial Aid Office. Please allow a minimum of two to three weeks for processing. Students will be notified via UCCS email of the result of their appeal.
The Satisfactory Academic Appeal Form should be always be used if you are not meeting SAP. Please complete the following steps:
Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Forms
For maximum hours appeals only:
A copy of your UCCS degree audit attached to the form above
Any documentation supporting the circumstance explained in your appeal attached to the form above
Appeal Deadlines
The office HIGHLY recommends that you submit your appeal as soon as you receive notification of SAP ineligibility. If you wish to know your eligibility status BEFORE the semester payment due date, you must submit your appeal by the first day of class that your SAP ineligibility has been determined to have a response by the UCCS census date (payment due date). Please remember, tuition is due regardless of whether or not your appeal status has been reviewed.