Loan Forgiveness
Loan Forgiveness
Student loan forgiveness programs encourage students to pursue educational goals that will lead to employment in specific occupations. These programs forgive part or all of a student's educational loan debt, provided they fulfill certain work-related requirements. If you determine that you may qualify for loan forgiveness please contact your loan servicer.
To learn more about Federal Student Loan Debt Relief, go to https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/debt-relief-info.
To learn more about other federal loan forgiveness programs, please feel free to visit the Federal Student Aid loan forgiveness page.
Federal Direct Loan
Federal Direct Loan borrowers who teach full-time for five consecutive academic years in certain low income elementary and secondary schools may be eligible to have a combined total of up to $17,500 in principle and interest of their loans forgiven.
- teacher in a school serving students from low-income families
- special education teacher
- teacher in the fields of mathematics, science, foreign languages or bilingual education or in any field of expertise that is determined by the state education agency to have a shortage of qualified teachers
HRSA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
NELRP (Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program) is a program that repays 60% of a Registered Nurses' qualifying educational loans in exchange for two years of service in a critical shortage facility.
National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program
Primary care medical, dental and mental health professionals may be eligible for up to $50,000 loan repayment in exchange for two years of service at an approved site in a Health Professional Shortage Area.
A volunteer who commits to a full year of full-time service may be awarded an equivalent to the maximum value of the Pell Grant for the fiscal year in which the term of national service is approved. The amount of the Pell Grant can change each year. Therefore, the amount of a full-time award can change. Once an individual earns an award, the dollar amount of that award will not change. The award amount varies based on the term of service completed.
The Army will pay back up to $65,000 in qualified educational loans (up to $20,000 for reservist) after enlisting.
Army National Guard
The Army National Guard will pay back up to $50,000 in qualified existing educational loans, as well as student loans acquired after enlisting.
For current Navy educational offers, please see https://www.navy.com/careers-benefits/education/.
Air Force
Although the student loan is not forgiven, agencies may make payments to the loan holder of up to a maximum of $10,000 for an employee in a calendar year and a total of not more than $60,000 for any one employee.